
Course in Factors affecting International Trade


Several economics pioneers believe that the gains from the international trade come at the expenses of other states, however, the voluntary exchange that comes away from interventions, pressures and obstacles, will contribute to the achievement of the economic abundance and the economic welfare between both states. In addition, many economic theories in the sciences of international trade have developed and substantially contributed to the establishment of the concept of trade and the international exchange, which finally achieved a clear and comprehensive concept. Such a concept incorporates many factors that affecting the business environment either negatively or positively within the international trade, the nature of economic relations among the states, the rates of economic parity, and how to reach an effective external trade exchange that is benefiting all participating parties both quantitatively and qualitatively.

The British Academy for Training and Development provides a course in the factors affecting the international trade for every person has the willing to improve his concept about the international trade and the factors affecting its procedure.

Objectives and target group

 Target Audience of the Course in Factors affecting the International Trade:

 - Those who are intending to work in import and export.
- Students of Schools and Institutes of Business Management.
- Those who are interested in the e-commerce.
- The investors, the offices owners, and the capital owners.
How will the Participants benefit from attending the Course in Factors affecting the International Trade?

Following the completion of the program, the participants will be capable of understanding the following points:
- Recognizing the factors that are affecting the international trade which are the differences in the production conditions, the specialization of one specific product, and being exchanged with other products in another state.
- The impact of the declining in the production costs on the international trade, as we find that the declining of some products average contributes to the increase trade exchange among each other.
- The impact of buying the surplus imported commodities which come for a change in the condition of international trade.
-  The impact of individual intervention on the extent of increasing and decreasing the volume of international trade.

Course Content

Scientific Content of the Course:

- Objectives in the international trade operations.
- Foundations and principles related to the international trade.
- Practical steps for the international trade.
- Mechanisms and factors affecting the international trade.
- Constituents and constraints limiting the international trade operations.
- Assessment and development in the forms of international trade.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3900 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3120 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2418 / Member

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